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List meetings



Fetches multiple meeting records. The records can be filtered, paged, and sorted according to the respective parameters. Meetings resource is responsible for events created via the Salesloft platform using calendaring features. These events can relate to cadences, people, and accounts.


Query Parameters

    ids integer[]

    IDs of meetings to fetch. If a record can't be found, that record won't be returned and your request will be successful

    status string

    Filters meetings by status. Possible values are: pending, booked, failed, retry

    person_id string

    Filters meetings by person_id. Multiple person ids can be applied

    account_id string

    Filters meetings by account_id. Multiple account ids can be applied

    person_ids integer[]

    Filters meetings by person_id. Multiple person ids can be applied

    event_ids string[]

    List of event IDs. If both event_ids and i_cal_uids params are passed, this filters will be ORed. If a record can't be found, that record won't be returned and your request will be successful

    i_cal_uids string[]

    List of UIDs provided by calendar provider. If both event_ids and i_cal_uids params are passed, this filters will be ORed. If a record can't be found, that record won't be returned and your request will be successful

    task_ids integer[]

    Filters meetings by task_id. Multiple task ids can be applied

    include_meetings_settings boolean

    Flag to indicate whether to include owned_by_meetings_settings and booked_by_meetings_settings objects

    start_time[gt] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are greater than the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    start_time[gte] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are greater than or equal to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    start_time[lt] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are less than the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    start_time[lte] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are less than or equal to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    created_at[gt] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are greater than the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    created_at[gte] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are greater than or equal to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    created_at[lt] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are less than the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    created_at[lte] iso8601 string

    Returns all matching records that are less than or equal to the provided iso8601 timestamp. The comparison is done using microsecond precision.

    user_guids string[]

    Filters meetings by user_guid. Multiple user guids can be applied

    show_deleted boolean

    Flag to show only canceled events in the results when set to 'true'. Shows only active events when set to 'false'

    booked_by_user_uuid string

    Filters meetings by booked_by_user_uuid

    no_show boolean

    Flag to include or exclude 'no show' meetings in results

    meeting_type_id string

    Filters meetings by meeting_type_id. Set to 'default_personal_meeting' to filter for default personal meetings. Multiple meeting type ids can be applied

    cadence_id string

    Filters meetings by cadence_id

    step_id string

    Filters meetings by step_id

    sort_by string

    Key to sort on, must be one of: start_time, created_at, updated_at. Defaults to start_time

    sort_direction string

    Direction to sort in, must be one of: ASC, DESC. Defaults to DESC

    per_page integer

    How many records to show per page in the range [1, 100]. Defaults to 25

    page integer

    The current page to fetch results from. Defaults to 1

    include_paging_counts boolean

    Whether to include total_pages and total_count in the metadata. Defaults to false

    limit_paging_counts boolean

    Specifies whether the max limit of 10k records should be applied to pagination counts. Affects the total_count and total_pages data



    id integer

    ID of the meeting

    title string

    Title of the meeting

    start_time date-time

    Start time of the meeting

    end_time date-time

    End time of the meeting

    calendar_id string

    Calendar ID of the meeting owner

    calendar_type string

    Calendar type of the meeting owner. Possible values are: gmail, azure, nylas, linkedin_azure, cerebro, external

    meeting_type_id string

    Meeting type ID

    meeting_type string

    Meeting type

    recipient_name string

    Name of the meeting invite recipient

    recipient_email string

    Email of the meeting invite recipient

    location string

    Location of the meeting

    description string

    Description of the meeting

    event_id string

    ID of the meeting created by target calendar

    account_id string

    ID of the account the recipient associated to

    task_id string

    ID of the created task

    created_at date-time

    Datetime of when the meeting was created

    updated_at date-time

    Datetime of when the meeting was last updated

    guests string[]

    The list of attendees emails of the meeting

    attendees object[]

    The attendees of the meeting. Each attendee includes the following fields: status, email, name, organizer

  • Array [
  • email string

    Email of the attendee

    name string

    Name of the attendee

    organizer boolean

    Whether the attendee is the organizer of the event.

    status string

    The attendee's response status. Possible values are: needsAction, accepted, tentative, declined

    status_changed boolean

    Whether the attendee changed response status

    person object

    Salesloft Person record

    id integer
    _href string
    deleted_at date-time

    Datetime of when the attendee was deleted

    affiliation string

    Indicates whether the attendee is internal or external

  • ]
  • person object

    Salesloft Person record for the recipient

    id integer
    _href string
    cadence object

    Salesloft Cadence record associated with meeting

    id integer
    _href string
    step object

    Salesloft Step record associated with meeting

    id integer
    _href string
    owned_by_user object

    Owner of the meeting

    id string
    _href string
    booked_by_user object

    User who booked the meeting

    id string
    _href string
    crm_references object

    List of crm references associated with the meeting

    crm object

    Crm fields mapping from intake form

    event_source string

    Source of the meeting. Possible values are: 'external' - The event was synced to Salesloft platform via Calendar Sync, 'internal' - The event was created via Salesloft platform

    canceled_at date-time

    Datetime of when the meeting was canceled

    all_day boolean

    Whether the meeting is an all-day meeting

    no_show boolean

    Whether the meeting is a No Show meeting

    crm_custom_fields object

    List of crm custom fields which will be logged to SFDC

    strict_attribution boolean

    Strict attribution means that we 100% sure which cadence generate the meeting

    i_cal_uid string

    UID of the meeting provided by target calendar provider

    status string

    Status of the meeting. Possible values are: pending, booked, failed, retry

    reschedule_status string

    Status of the meeting rescheduling progress. Possible values are: pending, booked, failed, retry

    owned_by_meetings_settings object
    email_address string

    Calendar owner's email address

    booked_by_meetings_settings object
    email_address string

    Calendar owner's email address

    reschedule_guid string

    Unique identifier (GUID) for the reschedule meeting link. Use this GUID as a parameter in the API endpoint to retrieve a meeting link.

    recurring boolean

    Whether the calendar event is a recurring event

    recurrence string[]

    List of RRULE for a recurring event, as specified in RFC5545. This field is omitted for single events or instances of recurring events

    recurring_interval string

    Specifies how often a recurring event repeats (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly). This field is omitted for single events or instances of recurring events

    last_occurrence_at date-time

    The timestamp of the last occurrence in a series of recurring events

    undo_completion_count integer

    The number of times a meeting has been rescheduled after completion
