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List Signal Registrations



List all Signal Registrations for all Integrations.


Query Parameters

    per_page integer

    How many records to show per page in the range [1, 100]. Defaults to 25

    page integer

    The current page to fetch results from. Defaults to 1

    include_paging_counts boolean

    Whether to include total_pages and total_count in the metadata. Defaults to false

    sort_by string

    Key to sort on, must be one of: id, updated_at. Defaults to updated_at

    sort_direction string

    Direction to sort in, must be one of: ASC, DESC. Defaults to DESC

    globally_installed_at object

    Globally installed at time filters

    type undefined[]

    Types of signal registrations to fetch

    updated_at object

    Updated at time filters

    integration_id undefined[]

    Integration IDs of signal registrations to fetch. Not applied by default



    type string

    Signal registration type.

    owner_user_guid string

    User GUID of the Registration owner.

    integration_slug string

    Integration Slug linked to the signal registration.

    integration object

    Integration linked to signal registration.

    indicators object[]

    Array of signal indicators registrations.

  • Array [
  • ]
  • id integer

    Registration ID.

    globally_installed_at date-time

    ISO8601 timestamp of when the registration was globally installed.

    description object

    Localized signal description.

    data_shape object

    JSON schema of the signal data.

    created_at date-time

    ISO8601 timestamp of when the signal registration was created.

    attribution string[]

    Array of possible attributions.
