List Signal Registrations
List all Signal Registrations for all Integrations.
Query Parameters
How many records to show per page in the range [1, 100]. Defaults to 25
The current page to fetch results from. Defaults to 1
Whether to include total_pages and total_count in the metadata. Defaults to false
Key to sort on, must be one of: id, updated_at. Defaults to updated_at
Direction to sort in, must be one of: ASC, DESC. Defaults to DESC
Globally installed at time filters
Types of signal registrations to fetch
Updated at time filters
Integration IDs of signal registrations to fetch. Not applied by default
- 200
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Array [
- ]
Signal registration type.
User GUID of the Registration owner.
Integration Slug linked to the signal registration.
Integration linked to signal registration.
indicators object[]
Array of signal indicators registrations.
Registration ID.
ISO8601 timestamp of when the registration was globally installed.
Localized signal description.
JSON schema of the signal data.
ISO8601 timestamp of when the signal registration was created.
Array of possible attributions.
"type": "video_watched",
"owner_user_guid": "20cea35e-3511-461a-9a6f-88d56ad0d320",
"integration_slug": "my-integration",
"integration": {
"id": 1,
"_href": ""
"indicators": [
"metadata_shape": {
"view_datetime": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"view_count": {
"type": "number"
"key": "indicator_key_0",
"description": {
"fr-fr": "Signal produit lorsqu'une vidéo Video Co. a été visionnée - {view_count}",
"es-es": "Señal producida cuando se ha visto un video de Video Co. - {view_count}",
"en-us": "Signal produced when a Video Co. video has been watched - {view_count}",
"en-gb": "Signal produced when a Video Co. video has been watched - {view_count}",
"de-de": "Signal, das erzeugt wird, wenn ein Video Co.-Video angesehen wurde - {view_count}"
"id": 1,
"globally_installed_at": "2023-01-01T10:00:00.000000Z",
"description": {
"fr-fr": "The Eras Tour film-concert",
"es-es": "The Eras Tour Concierto la Pelicula",
"en-us": "The Eras Tour Concert Film",
"en-gb": "The Eras Tour Concert Film London",
"de-de": "The Eras Tour Konzertfilm"
"data_shape": {
"shared_at": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"recipient_count": {
"type": "number",
"min": 1
"pitch_url": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^https://",
"format": "uri"
"created_at": "2023-01-01T10:00:00.000000Z",
"attribution": [